Stop Waiting for Monday, Get Active Now!

Written by
Legends Boxing
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Many Americans start off each year with the intention of working out more and getting into shape. It is a great goal that everyone should have. However, a startling (if unsurprising) number of us will stop working out pretty early in the year. We then fall back on plan B, which is to set deadline after deadline to start up again. Each Monday is like New Year’s all over again.

Instead of waiting for Monday and setting overly ambitious goals that will get you down, change your focus and get started now! These tips will help you find out how to get back into working out and keep going.

Make a Plan

First, be specific about how to get back into working out. Instead of having the vague goal of just starting to workout, think about the kinds of workouts you want to explore, how often you want to do it, and when you will make the time for your workouts. Having a weekly exercise plan, even if it has to change from time to time, is a great way to stay focused. By breaking down that large goal of working out, you can make it more manageable and meaningful.

Start with Short Term Goals

One of the pitfalls we run into when starting to workout is setting lofty goals that will take a long time to reach. Being ambitious is great, but it’s often better to think short term when setting off on that long journey. Instead of making goals like running 10 miles or doing 100 pushups, think about setting smaller goals to bridge the gap. Start with one mile and 20 pushups to get started.

Focus on the Process Instead of the Results

One of the keys to getting in shape and staying in shape is working out every day. When you focus on working out each and every day instead of the results on the horizon, it can help you stick with the process. The results will follow.

Make Time for Working out Every Day

Probably the top reason people don’t work out is lack of time. The real problem, though, is not making time for working out. Sure, there are some people whose schedules are full all day, every day. Most of us, though, manage to find time to watch TV. The hard truth is that you have to make working out a priority and schedule it. Put it on your calendar each week, and when you miss a workout, find time to make it up. It’s not easy at first, but once you find a gym and you get used to working out everyday with a weekly exercise plan, you will start to guard your exercise time.

As a bonus, find someone to work out with on a regular basis. If you are part of a small exercise tribe, you will enjoy the company and have a little extra pressure to show up.

Mix up Your Routines

Another reason why people don’t work out every day is that it can become monotonous. Doing the same workout every time you go to the gym will get boring, not only for your mind, but also for your muscles, which will stop progressing once they get used to a routine. The key is to mix it up.

Find Fun Workouts

Another key to working out every day is to have fun. Sometimes you have to lift the weights and run the miles even if it’s more grueling than fun. But to make working out more exciting, find fun ways to do it. Boxing is a great example of a workout that is interesting and challenging enough to keep you going. You can focus so much on improving your technique that you don’t notice how hard you are working. That is the kind of routine that will keep you going to the gym each day.

Join our gym, have fun working out every day, and become part of a close-knit group that will help keep you motivated.

Written by
Legends Boxing
Tuesday, April 9, 2019